radikalizacije kod mladih

Unrooting Youth Radicalisation

Duration: From the 22nd to 30th of August 2022, Maceira - Fornos de Algodres, Portugal

Project organizer: APS – Associação de Promoção Social, Cultural e Desportiva

Project partners: European Youth Centre Breclav Z.S., IKU – Interculturalis, Volunteer Centre Bitola and New East

Participating countries: North Macedonia, Serbia, Czech Republic, Latvia, and Portugal

The main aim of the project:

Improving the competencies of youth workers in order to prevent radicalization among young people.

Other project objectives:

  • train youth workers to recognize and prevent the radicalization of young people through informal learning methods;
  • develop new approaches and ideas for action to prevent youth radicalization through the cooperation of participating youth workers;
  • increase the potential of youth organizations to prevent youth radicalization at the local level by providing access, resources and contacts, including new partnerships with other youth organizations, in order to combat youth radicalization;
  • raise awareness of the key role of promoting cultural diversity in preventing the radicalization of young people by emphasizing the benefits of the integration of European cultures and nations in the EU.

Project description:

On the first day, after getting to know each other, the participants exchanged opinions on the objectives of the course and training. On the second day, participants were introduced to the concept of radicalization - causes, key words, definitions and types. During the exercises, they had the opportunity to apply the acquired knowledge and to recognize radicalization among young people. On the third day, they exchanged examples of good practice and methods related to preventing the radicalization of young people, as well as youth workers, through community mapping and the use of team activities and non-violent communication. On the fourth day, the group worked to promote cultural diversity and discussed its benefits. A study visit was organized: Cultural heritage trail - discovery of Fornos de Algodres. On the fifth day, the concepts of stereotypes and prejudices were discussed. Each partner organization had the opportunity to present its work. On the sixth day, the participants were divided into working groups and devised methods and actions against the radicalization of young people. Finally, on the seventh day, evaluation of the training and presentation of ideas for actions aimed at preventing the radicalization of young people.

After the experience and knowledge gained during this project, the participants will be able to recognize and prevent the radicalization of young people through informal methods. They also took a step towards raising awareness, integrating and educating a key group of young people who often struggle and fall under the influence of radical ideas.

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