Naučni rad

How to write a scientific paper?

Books and books have been written about what a scientific paper should look like and about the techniques of writing a scientific paper. Our goal in this text is to outline the basic characteristics that should be taken into account when writing. A scientific paper is a report on the original results of research, which contributes to the understanding of a problem or provides a different view of an already researched issue. There are several types of scientific papers: original scientific articles, review articles, theses and presentations at scientific conferences. Here are some basic steps you can take to begin the process of preparation for mediation:

1. Introduction to the topic

First and foremost, you need to get well acquainted with the topic and find all the relevant sources in the field you want to write about. This research will help you later in writing a theoretical framework.

Naučni rad je dugotrajan i mukotrpan posao

2. Defining problems and hypotheses

First, it is necessary to define the topic as precisely as possible, and then the subject of research, ie. what you want to explore. After that, it is necessary to formulate hypotheses, and it would be good to immediately define the structure of the work. The structure of the work is a kind of skeleton or future content.

3. Corps collection

This phase involves collecting materials on which the research will be conducted (texts, surveys, tables, etc.)

Istraživanje je glavni deo naučnog rada
Research is a major part of scientific work,

4. Data analysis

When you have finally collected the corpus, you can move on to researching and analyzing the data.

5. Writing

Finally, the entire research should be put on paper, ie. in some Word document. While getting acquainted with the topic and researching the literature, you can take notes (don't just forget to cite the sources) and start writing some parts. Start with the easiest part, and leave the introduction and conclusion for the end.

Every scientific paper must have the following structure:

  • Tittle - it should express the essence of the work, be precise, clear and not too extensive.
  • Abstract - 150 to 200 words that describe the problem, purpose, goal, methods, expected results and conclusions of the work. It should contain the whole work, so that it can appear independently.
  • Key words - 5 to 10 words necessary for indexing the paper.
  • Introduction - brief overview of the issue,background,define what is not known about the subject of research, set hypotheses, define the goal of the work and the expected results.
  • Theoretical framework - several relevant sources that talk about the topic being written about and that the research builds on.
  • Research - material and methods: studies, measurements, statistical analyzes, interventions, etc. Answer the questions: What, How, Where, How much and Why.
  • Results - the most important part, presentation of key research results textually, graphically, tabularly, with illustrations, etc.
  • Discussion - research comments, interpretation of results, consideration of consequences, etc. The answer to question why all this ?
  • Conclusion - summarizing the work and pointing out guidelines for further research, set up a new hypothesis. The answer to question what next?
  • Literature - references used in the text. Scientific publications can be used for literature, Scientific articles,doctoral dissertations, encyclopedias, etc., but by no means wikipedia.

Scientific work requires long and painstaking work. It would be good to find some job which is in the area you are writing about because it will make your research easier.

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