Upoznaj drugog i drugačijeg

Get moving and educate yourself

Duration: 11 months

Period: February 15 - December 15, 2020

Partners Municipality of Palilula and TA MM Tours

General strategic objective of the project:

Promoting the international mobility of young people from our environment in order to overcome racial discrimination, hate speech and intolerance towards different cultures as the basis of a modern and democratic society, but also to improve intercultural cooperation with surrounding nations.

Other project objectives:

  • Determine the level of international mobility of young people from our local community;
  • Point out the importance of youth mobility for society as a whole;
  • Show young people from our area various opportunities for affordable travel;
  • Present to young people the benefits they would have from getting to know different cultures to build a personality, but also to advance their careers;
  • Cultural exchange and connection of young people from Serbia and neighboring countries;
  • Promoting intercultural communication as the basis of a modern and democratic society;
  • Strengthening good neighborly relations and regional stability.

Brief description:

Prema dosadašnjim istraživanjima koje smo sproveli među mladima na temu međunarodne mobilnosti može se zaključiti da jako mali broj mladih iz naše okoline ima prilike da putuje i upozna drugačije kulture. Ovakvo stanje kasnije dovodi do netolerancije, diskriminacije, nespremnosti za interkulturnu komunikaciju, što se u krajnjoj meri loše odnosi i na finansijsku situaciju pojedinaca, ali i društva u celini. Iako na prvi pogled razloge za ovokavo stanje možemo tražiti u lošoj finansisko situaciji mladih iz okoline, prema dosadašnjim istraživanjima, može se zaključiti da mladi uopšte i nemaju naviku da putuju, a i nisu upoznati sa mogućnostima for a bargain or even a completely free trip. Many of them have never heard of opportunities like this couchsurfing, carpooling, kampovi za mlade, mogućnosti da se volontira i putuje itd. Pošto je ovaj projekat na neki način nastavak projekta «Meet another and different», Our goal is to show them, on the one hand, the possibilities for their mobility, and on the other hand, the benefits they would get from it.

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